Teaching English to students is very effective when it is implemented intergratedly by covering the four skills of English; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The implementation purpose of English language teaching at Elementary School is for socializing English language, building the basic knowledge of English, motivating students in learning English for their need of the language in the future. This research is aimed to describe the implementation of English language teaching conducted by the English teachers specially about, curriculum, syllabus design, teaching materials, and teaching media. It also described teachers activities while teaching English such as, the use of teaching method, and after teaching English such as, teaching evaluation (preparing, processing, and evaluating). It also described about the teachers’ problems and the teachers’ strategies in solving the problems. This study employs qualitative research design with descriptive approach. The subjects of the study were three teachers who tought English in grade I-II, III-IV, and V-VI at MIN Jambo Tape Banda Aceh. The data were collected through questionnaire, observation, interview, and documentation. The collected data were analyzed by using qualitative data analysis approach. The analysis was done through data classification, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. The result of this study shows that MIN Jambo Tape was ready to implement English language teaching to the students since grade one until grade six. It referred to the five catagories of; 1) the provided English teachers, 2) curriculum and syllabus design, 3) teaching material, 4) teaching method, 5) and teaching media. Moreover all English teachers (100%) at MIN Jambo Tape have made a good preparation before implementing English language teaching to their students but some of them still had problems while implementing it such as the use of teaching media (66.7%), teaching materials (33.3%), and teaching evaluation (33.3%). Meanwhile, to solve the problems all of them (100%) discussed it with the other English teachers, the headmaster, and students’ parents.
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